The odds are that some point in your life there have been times when you've wanted to look into the past of someone in your life or the lives of your family members just for peace of mind. However, is it really something you want to pay money for? Especially if you want to check up on more than one person? The good news is that there are free background searches available on the internet that can provide you with quality information that can help you to keep you and your family safe.

You'll want to find a website that breaks down its resources by state. A good resource is the Free Public Records Search Directory. This allows you to access a place that will give you much more refined information and data that is provided by official sources from that state. Free look ups are surprisingly thorough. They allow you access to many different levels of peoples' histories as well as general information about your state, city, or neighborhood, in case you're just trying to get an overall idea of the safety of a certain place - such as your new home, where you live, where you work, or where your children go to school.

If you're looking specifically for court records you'll need to do a bit of homework first. Each state has a different court system. If you're familiar with one state, it doesn't mean you'll be able to easily find records in a different state. For this, your first visit should be to They explain how to find court records in any state with their court guides. And then give you information on the specific court where you need to get the records from. This site can save you hours of searching the internet when you're looking for specific records.

Even the sites that can be used without pulling out your credit card can offer you a large amount of possibilities. For starters, you'll have free access to the National Sex Offender's Registry. This shows you the location of the residences of all of the people who have been convicted and released after serving a sentence for a sex offense. You can also find out about criminal records, state statistics, court records, and other important data that can help you to understand the people around you just a little bit better.

Knowing how to perform a free background check search can help to bring you peace of mind in making the choices as to where you will live, where your children will be educated, and where you will find employment. Empower yourself with the key to getting to know the true nature behind the people in your world using online services you don't even need to pay for.

Originally published March 25, 2009 2:11 PM